Tuesday, June 26, 2018

This is a ramble that I have been putting off for sometime. Merely because I discharge everything I do as the work of acquaintance and modesty.
Nowhere really to start, best to right as a middle-aged women on a healthy food article who writes a literal 10,000 word document on how apples are toxic, 100 of the words containing the actually argument, 9,900 of the words which contain an article on her trip to Disneyland that was mildly infuriating due to a minor inconvenience of not quite putting the tip of her finger on but that the funnel cake tasted just not as sweet as she had remembered back when she was 10 years old; the only sort of tangible pain she had deemed worthy enough to send her into a wikipedia hunt on why humanity failed her, why love does not exist, why she is the most important thing in the literal universe, etc., stumbling across some fag named Freidrich Nietzsche and writing a philosophical post on apples, their sin-- all information and pontificates according to the facial features of Nietzsche and some 2 minute video on Youtube.com, half the time texting her proto-husband ready to take over current-husband.
Not really. I just need to talk to someone. Writing is too hard, and people will laugh at you in some form. I really don't know is what I'm saying to myself right now. I do know, I think, but it's too hard, I think as well. Will it kill me? No. Psychicly, yes, only in the precipitating parts, the great nothings that arises in the form of anxiety.
GENERALIZED ANXIETY is a term not often used in scientific papers, usually taken in the place of the mere term ANXIETY. Which I do believe is correct. Generalized anxiety is a person inhibited by a certain non-something, not specifying dynamics which precipitates other than acute factors, which then is classified as mere ANXIETY, administer 30 pills for the next 10 days. Eat it or you will not be normal, ever. This is merely a non-representation that they are after, which cannot be true as everything is created by the person. Basically, GENERALIZED ANXIETY is a hip and long term and totally mysterious phenomenon that affects only the superior hivemind of suicidal pact. You guys are suffering from PETTY MISTAKES YOU WORRY ABOUT and that you need VERY EXPENSIVE MEDICATION RIGHT AWAY

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The case of Freud is an interesting one. For one, uh. Imagine being Freud. Jaw hanging out and still having to diagnose people with being really angry fags and needing to sedate themselves with his jawless mumble jumble. Getting paid a lot and having hot girls and even his daughter as his clients. Imagine his jaw dropping before even seeing them. Before even conceiving their existence.
“Where is my lower jaw?” Freud.
“Lower jaw bad for you.” Wife.
“Give me jaw NOW!” Freud.
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Wife.
“That crying… it reminds me of something important…” Freud.
“Freud?” Wife.
“Wife.” Freud.
“?” ?

“You are the most aggressive gay person I have ever met.”

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Today I feel like a robot but my mind feels human but this body feels robotic. And today I will fight the need to rip off my head because it metaphorically hurts; And today I will fight the need to rip my heart out because it literally hurts.